

Be careful! I bought this shoe after falling and having injuries of a calcaneus fracture and torn ligaments to my left foot. I at first purchased the Brooks Adrenaline shoe and even though I loved that shoe and the fit, my foot was swollen so much even 3 months after the injury that the Brooks, size 5EE, was too tight on my foot, so I purchased this shoe size 5 2E. The width was amazing, very roomy in the toe box which is what I needed, but the width in the heel and arch area of the foot was a bit roomier than I needed. But still the shoe seemed to be great for the width I needed, even though the shoe was not as cushiony and comfortable as the Brooks brand. Within days I was having tremendous knee pain which became greater and greater as the weeks went on. I even tried to add supports in the shoe to get more cushion, but after 3+ weeks of nearly intolerable pain in the knee it occurred to me that the pain had begun when I started wearing this shoe, so Friday (yesterday), I went back to the Brooks shoe and by the middle of the day the knee pain had subsided slightly. This morning I woke and put on the Brooks shoe and have been walking pain free for the first time in months! I am absolutely amazed at the immediate relief with the Brooks shoe. So be careful about this shoe. Even though it costs way more than the Brooks shoe, the shoe is structured in a way that must put pressure on the knees. Don't know if this would be a problem if one has no injuries, but for me it will go into the closet and never be worn again!

Footwear Inc:footwear-123132

footwear-123132 footwear style is on behalf of the footwear Inc shown upper.


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