

Bronze sandals - In appearance, they were stunning. In comfort, not so much. They were very tight around the pinky toe area, excruciatingly tight. My pinkies were still hurting the next day (and I don't have wide feet). As far as the color and overall appearance, they were perfect, but I needed them for a wedding, which required being on my feet for long periods of time and I'm just not used to wearing heels anymore, so maybe that's why they were so uncomfortable. They have a gel area in the heel part, but the gel is very hard, doesn't really absorb the impact, so I found that to be more uncomfortable than helpful. For women who are used to wearing heels, they shouldn't be a problem, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm glad I took some spare flats for the dancing part of the evening.

Footwear Inc:inc-123205


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